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09 May 2024

The Miles Labor Government is investing $448.2 million from the Queensland Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Jobs Fund towards a mega boost to Stanwell’s big battery.

This funding will see the battery planned for Stanwell Power Station double in size to become the state’s largest committed battery project.

Storage will increase from 150MW / 300 MWh (two-hour duration) to a 300MW / 1,200 MWh (four-hour duration) battery system.

As well as providing Queensland with reliable, affordable power, the $747 million project will provide a boost to local jobs, with up to 80 full time roles to be created over the construction phase, as well as six full-time roles over the battery’s operation.

This mega battery system will be constructed within the Stanwell Power Station near Rockhampton, as part of the site’s transition to a Clean Energy Hub.

Construction of the large-scale battery is scheduled to commence in May 2024 and the battery system is due to be operational in mid-2027.

The project signals a clear commitment to the Rockhampton and Central Queensland community that the renewable energy transformation will bring continued investment into the region and provide secure jobs at and around our publicly-owned generation sites into the future.

Only a Labor Government will keep the Stanwell Power Station in Central Queensland in public hands.

The LNP voted against public ownership of Queensland energy assets and against Queensland’s renewable energy transition.

Quotes attributable to the Premier:

“We are delivering the big energy build for Queensland, that will go on to power our homes and energy intensive industries with cheaper, cleaner energy.

“The Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan will create jobs and protect jobs in existing industries, including here at Stanwell.

“That’s what our mega battery investment is all about – delivering the energy storage our state needs, while supporting good local jobs in Central Queensland.

“Deloitte modelling shows that Queensland’s economy will be larger and better off for transforming to a clean energy economy faster and earlier.

“Queensland’s transformation to 80 per cent renewable energy by 2035 will unlock $270 billion in new investment and open up $430 billion in economy opportunity.

“Queenslanders can trust that under a government I lead, we will never sell Stanwell.”

Quotes attributable to the Minister for Energy and Clean Economy Jobs, Mick de Brenni:

“Despite opposition from the LNP, we have legislated public ownership of Queensland’s energy system so that battery storage at Stanwell Power Station works for Queenslanders.

“By doubling the size of this battery, we’ll ensure that Central Queensland will have reliable, long lasting renewable energy for decades to come.

“This is the clean economy transition in action - not only does this mean cheaper, cleaner and more secure energy, but big battery projects like the Stanwell battery deliver a huge boost to jobs and economic growth to the local community.

“Stanwell Power Station has proven vital over the last three decades, and thanks to its new role as a Clean Energy Hub within the clean economy, it will remain a key asset in this regional economy into the future.

Quotes attributable to Michael O’Rourke, CEO Stanwell 

“Dispatchable energy assets like the Stanwell BESS are essential to a successful transformation of our energy system. 

“This large-scale battery can be charged by wind and solar during periods of peak renewable energy generation and discharged back into the grid during periods of high demand or to maintain grid stability.  

“Our strategic goal is to have 5GW of energy storage operational by 2035. 

“This project increases Stanwell’s dispatchable energy capacity and is critical to Queensland’s energy future - providing clean, reliable energy and generating employment opportunities, investment and growth for Central Queensland.” 

Quotes attributable to Electrical Trades Union State Secretary, Peter Ong:

"The Miles Government continues to lead the way on the energy transition.

"Their commitment to public ownership of Queensland’s energy assets keeps the lights on, prices down and workplaces safe.

"The ETU welcomes today’s announcement of a new 1,200 MWh battery energy storage system, supported by $448m of public investment through the Queensland Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Jobs Fund.

“This investment is good for workers, the climate and will bring downward pressure on the cost of living.

“This is in stark contrast to the LNP who threaten the transition with no commitment to public ownership, decent worker conditions, legislated renewable energy targets or funding commitments.”